Problem with your Cart Pickup?
Hazardous Waste
No hazardous waste is of any kind is allowed. Select your city from the dropdown below to determine how you can dispose of your hazardous waste in your area
No liquids, oil or closed containers are allowed in the waste container. For guidelines on how to dispose of your liquids, find your city from the dropdown below to determine how you can dispose of your liquids in your area.
Cart Placement
For automated collection, carts must be at least two feet away from each other and from other objects, such as cars and mailboxes. Carts must be placed four feet from walls and not placed in front of water faucets. Also, the handles should be facing the house.
Unacceptable Material in Organic Waste Cart
Acceptable materials for the organic yard/food waste cart include grass, leaves, plants, yard trimmings, small branches, flowers, scrap, lumber, and bagged food scraps.
Unacceptable materials includes trash, plastic, glass or metal, dirt or rocks, Styrofoam, film, plastic or shring wrap, pet waste, oil or grease, twist ties, produce stickers or rubber bands, diapers, hoses, flowerpots and treated wood waste.
Unacceptable Material in Recycling Cart
Acceptable materials for the recycling cart are paper products (mail, newspaper, magazines and card-board); glass and metal containers, and plastics except bags. All other materials are unacceptable.
Material outside the cart
The hauler cannot collect material placed outside the carts without an extra haul order. Please contact the office prior to pickup to arrange for extra collection. This can be done by using the “bukly item pickup” form or calling 1-805-647-1414.
There is an extra charge for hauling tires. Please contact our office or use the form below to arrange for tire pickup.
Account Delinquent
Our records show this address is either a vacant or deliquent account. Please contact our office to correct any errors or to make service arrangements by utilizing the link below or calling 1-805-647-1414
Cart Overweight
This cart exceeds our 80-pound limit and is too heavy for safe handling. Please reduce the weight and contact our office when cart is light enouhg for us to collect.
Recyclables In Trash
Mandatory recycling ordinances prohibit organic yard/food waste and dry recyclables (paper, metal, glass, and recyclable plastic) from being placed in trash carts. Please recycle everything that is recyclable! For more information on how to recycle your food waste, click the button below.
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