We’re still leading the ecological charge, achieving well beyond carbon neutrality in terms of greenhouse gas emissions. According to the latest Climate Registry and Avoided Emissions Reporting, Harrison Industries has fully offset its direct GHG emissions surpassing net zero in emissions by 21 times.
“As you can imagine, any company just trying to get to net zero is hard,” said Bill Camarillo, CEO of Harrison partner Agromin, “but the Harrisons have been able to average, over 10 years, 21 times greater than net zero, which is a tremendous accomplishment.”
It’s a remarkable number but not unexpected. We have a well tracked history of avoided emissions – including a fleet of trucks that run entirely on clean fuel – and following all of the protocol. We see this as our greatest responsibility and our greatest success as a trash/recycle company.
We at Harrison are very proud of our annual high ranking on the prestigious Climate Registry, which monitors greenhouse gas emissions.
Harrison joined The Climate Registry in 2008 – just after the registry was formed – and it’s met its goal of remaining far ahead of the clean-air curve every year. The Climate Registry is a nonprofit organization designed and created in 2007 to manage and reduce businesses’ greenhouse gas emissions. Governed by U.S. states and Canadian provinces and territories, the registry operates GHG reporting programs globally and assists organizations in measuring, reporting and verifying the carbon in their operations in order to manage and reduce it.