It’s Easy To Recycle Your Food Waste
Breaking old habits can be hard.
But when it comes to recycling food waste, Harrison Industries is committed to making it easier for everyone to change their trash habits. If you haven’t started recycling your food waste, it’s time to start. Not only will you be helping save our planet from climate change, you’ll be helping California meet its goal of cutting organic waste in our landfills.
Signed into law in 2016,
California Senate Bill 1383 added food waste to the list of organic materials that should be recycled by commercial and residential customers, effective Jan. 1, 2022.
Decomposing organic waste emits methane, a potent greenhouse gas 84 times worse than carbon dioxide’s damaging contribution to climate change. California
aims to cut 75 percent of organic waste ending up in landfills by 2025 (with the 2014 amount as the baseline).
The California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle)
recently issued an update on SB 1383 implementation, and the numbers were encouraging. CalRecycle said:
- Almost 100 percent of California communities reported expanding commercial organic waste collection programs.
- About 75 percent reported they had residential organics collection programs in place.
- Disposal of organic materials at landfills declined by 2 million tons from 2014 to 2021, before SB 1383 even took full effect in 2022.
- California now has 206 organic waste processing facilities, and 20 more are being built.
If you’re not participating yet, it’s easy to start. ALL FOOD WASTE is accepted for recycling, including bones, peels, shells and coffee grounds. Just place food waste
in tied plastic bags or tightly folded paper bags and place them in your yard/organic waste cart for collection on your regular service day.
Food waste must be bagged, while yard waste should be loose. And even if you only have bags of food waste and no yard waste, put the cart out by
the curb anyway.
Harrison began a pilot program for commercial food waste recycling years ago. And we’d like to thank our customers for their crucial participation and commitment to this climate-saving effort. The program has continued to evolve
and expand thanks to help from our partner cities and counties, and our business partners, Agromin and Gold Coast Recycling.
View our food waste FAQ or visit our food waste recycling page online, at ejharrison.com/food-waste.