An urgent appeal to all Harrison customers: In choosing which cart to use, please make sure it’s recyclables ONLY in the blue cart; green waste ONLY in the tan cart*; and trash ONLY in the green cart*.
We’re now picking up all three carts weekly, giving you more room to recycle all that you can; we hope you’re taking full advantage of that. Trash cart contents go unsorted to the landfill, so any recyclable items that end up in there will needlessly take up space and organic waste will emit harmful methane gas that’s contributing to climate change.
Historically, Harrison customers have done a remarkable job of recycling, but the need to recycle has never been greater and cannot be overstated. With strict new state mandates taking effect on Jan. 1 – when food waste recycling will be added to the organics mix – it is now an imperative.
Thank you once again for working with us toward a better future.
* In the coming years, as a new statewide color-coded system slowly rolls out, tan yard waste carts will change to green and green trash carts will change to black.
For more information, call: Ventura’s Environmental Sustainability Division at 805-652-4525 or Daniel Harrison of E.J. Harrison & Sons at 805-647-1414, ext. 4321.
For recycling guidelines click here.