Harrison’s Thursday and Friday customers will have trash collection delayed one day for the Thanksgiving holiday.


In observance of the Thanksgiving holiday,

employees of Harrison Industries are taking the day off on Thursday, Nov. 28. As a result, customers who normally have their trash, recyclables and yard/organics waste collected on Thursday or Friday will have it collected one day later than usual during the week of Nov. 24-30.

The Thanksgiving holiday will not affect customers who have their trash, recyclables and yard/organics waste collected on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. The regular schedule for all customers will resume the following week.

We’d also like to remind folks

as the holiday season approaches to keep up the good work recycling your food waste. Residential customers can place all three carts curbside every week, as Harrison collects all waste weekly – including food waste, which by now you should be accustomed to recycling. All food waste should be put into paper or plastic bags, and the bags should be closed tightly and tossed into your yard/organics waste cart.

Harrison- Trash-Collection-Delayed-for-Thanksgiving

Remembering to recycle your food waste

is especially important during the holiday season from Thanksgiving through the new year when people tend to generate a lot of extra food waste.

Thank you for your role in the success of our food waste recycling program. Food waste recycling is the law, but more importantly, it’s vital for the environment. Food waste emits destructive methane gas when it decays at a landfill, damaging our atmosphere and causing global warming. Harrison is proud to be a part of the solution and we couldn’t do it without your help.

Stay up to date

with our Holiday Schedule by following this link, or subscribe to our blog so you can learn tips and tricks for food waste recycling during the holidays.

If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to give our customer service a call at (805)-647-1414

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